几. 幾 jī. 名 (1) 苗头;预兆 [symptom of a trend;omen] 徒有疾恶心,奈何不知几。—— 唐 · 苏涣 《变律》 又如:几先(预兆,事先) (2) 政务。通“机” [government affairs] 或问为政有几。—— 《法言·先知》 。注:“要也。” 心缠几务,而虚述人。
Scientific notation is a way of expressing numbers that are too large or too small to be conveniently written in decimal form, since to do so would require writing out an inconveniently long string of digits. It may be referred to as scientific form or standard index form, or standard form in the United Kingdom. This base ten notation is commonly used by scientists, mathematicians, and engineers, in part because it can simplify certain arithmetic operations. On scientific calculators, i…
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2024年進入九運,房屋風水格局將隨之改變。九運飛星格局多瑕疵,除東南、西北朝向外,其他朝向均有所缺陷。不良的居家風水對運勢不利,需妥善選擇居住環境。 ** 九運重點行業** 女性主導 九運以火為尊,女性屬陰,陰火結合,中年女性將發揮舉足輕重的 ...
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